Design Systems and Structures that Promote Positive Relationships, Collaboration, and Student-Centered Learning
CASEL Guide to Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning
The Guide to Schoolwide SEL leads school-based teams through a process for systemic SEL implementation. It focuses on creating an environment that infuses SEL into every part of students’ educational experience and promotes equitable outcomes for all. Resources, tools, and strategies are embedded throughout the process as well as an implementation rubric which supports initial…
Design Systems and Structures that Promote Positive Relationships, Collaboration, and Student-Centered Learning
District Resource Center Website
The District Resource Center helps school districts make social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of every student’s education by providing them with a process of implementation and aligned resources and tools connected to CASEL’s theory of action for systemic SEL.
Create Positive Learning Conditions to Transform Students' Daily Experience
Elevate Group Reflection Coaching Template
This resource is a step by step, 1 hour facilitation protocol that supports the group reflection process of Elevate data for implementing teachers. The facilitation is targeted towards district support teams as they seek to deepen relationships and coaching at the school level.
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Elevate Teacher Reflection Protocol Part II
This resource supports the teacher reflection process and guides teacher through a process of reviewing Elevate data aligned with transformative SEL. It strengthens adult SEL during the teachers individual reflection opportunity and serves as a preparation for the upcoming Elevate group reflection.
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Elevate Teacher Reflection Protocol Part I
This resource positions educators to be reflective practitioners as they begin to review recent Elevate data as it pulls in opportunities and reminders to delve into the process of Adult SEL. The protocol serves as a mindset prep prior to reviewing Elevate data.