Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Educator Well-Being as a Pathway Toward Investing in Education Staff: Insights from the Transformative SEL (tSEL) Adult Learning Series Pilot
This brief shares learnings from BELE district partnerships around the fifth Essential Action: invest in staff. To support this Essential Action, CASEL developed the Transformative (tSEL) Adult Learning Series, a set of six interactive workshops that build an opportunity for adults themselves to deepen their self-awareness and discover how they can curate equitable learning environments…
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Elevate in Action: The Network for College Success and Chicago Public Schools
The University of Chicago Network for College Success (NCS) worked with Chicago Public Schools to implement Elevate and support teachers in reflecting on student feedback and developing school policies that center student voice. This case study details strategies NCS implemented to ensure student success and on-time graduation, including:
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Trusting Community | Organizational Condition Guide
People feel a sense of increased well-being and are more likely to help each other when they work in an organization that prioritizes relationships—if they experience trusting community. Created to support Catalyze users or anyone interested in improving organizational conditions, this guide introduces research, principles, practices, and measures related to trusting community.
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Learning Culture | Organizational Condition Guide
People feel more satisfied and willing to innovate and share knowledge when they work in organizations that prioritize collaboration, experimentation, and reflection—if they experience learning culture. Created to support Catalyze users or anyone interested in improving organizational conditions, this guide introduces research, principles, practices, and measures related to learning culture.
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Social Emotional Learning and Equity
The promise of social and emotional development as a lever for increasing educational equity rests on the capacity of educators to understand that all learning is social and emotional and all learning is mediated by relationships that sit in a sociopolitical, racialized context – for all children, not just those who are Black and brown.
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Elevate Teacher Reflection Protocol Part II
This resource supports the teacher reflection process and guides teacher through a process of reviewing Elevate data aligned with transformative SEL. It strengthens adult SEL during the teachers individual reflection opportunity and serves as a preparation for the upcoming Elevate group reflection.
Ensure that All Educators Feel Supported, Valued, and Prepared
Elevate Teacher Reflection Protocol Part I
This resource positions educators to be reflective practitioners as they begin to review recent Elevate data as it pulls in opportunities and reminders to delve into the process of Adult SEL. The protocol serves as a mindset prep prior to reviewing Elevate data.