Invest in Staff

Educator Well-Being as a Pathway Toward Investing in Education Staff: Insights from the Transformative SEL (tSEL) Adult Learning Series Pilot

This brief shares learnings from BELE district partnerships around the fifth Essential Action: invest in staff. To support this Essential Action, CASEL developed the Transformative (tSEL) Adult Learning Series, a set of six interactive workshops that build an opportunity for adults themselves to deepen their self-awareness and discover how they can curate equitable learning environments for young people by leveraging the five focal constructs (identity, agency, belonging, collaborative problem-solving, and curiosity).

Through this series, education leaders are making investments for in-service professional learning that supports educator well-being and promotes equitable learning environments for adults and young people. Investing in staff actualizes the value of continuous improvement, which fosters a culture of expansion, growth, and development among educators.

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