Make Systems Human-Centered

Leading With Courage and Commitment: Reclaiming the Narrative for Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Schools

Over the past two decades, many school districts across the United States have engaged in some form of ‘equity work’ in an effort to change persistent racialized patterns in student experience and achievement. Communities have engaged in a wide range of efforts to increase opportunity and expand educational excellence and equity. While the impacts of these efforts vary, much has been learned about (and brain/neuroscience supports) the benefits of creating student centered and culturally sustaining approaches to teaching and learning.

Yet, today diversity, equity, and inclusion work is under increased scrutiny and controversy in many school districts. While framed as a debate about “critical race theory”, the programs and initiatives under attack more often include research-based efforts intended to increase opportunity and fairness in our schools, classrooms, and curriculum. Clicking on this link will redirect you to NEP’s website where you will be asked to complete a form to gain access to the webinar.

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